Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I am wondering if Hussein is ever going to be held accountable for his gross negligence with respect to Benghazi.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Next 4 Years... Or as I like to refer to it, "A Look into the Abyss."

So Mr. Obama won the 2012 election, and we have another 4 years of his shenanigans to look forward to. America, I don't hope, since I live here, but I fear you will get exactly what you deserve for your idiocy.

First let's look back at some of Hussein's biggest hits:
1. Obamacare: this abomination was rammed down the American people's throats with no regard for the working class that has to support it. It was claimed ove and over that it would provide more care for more people, and would reduce medical costs. Well, a couple years later, when the Act was actually examined and the cost totalized, the GAO (or was that CBO?) released a report saying not only would the costs increase far beyond what was claimed, it would actually result in less people covered medically. I'll have to look up that report and post a link here.

2. The Apology Tour: enough said

3. Fast and Furious: The Hussein Justice Department feels it is reasonable to allow guns to be purchased by people who should not be allowed to purchase them, in a supposed effort to trace them to the drug cartels south of the border. They urged gun sellers who reported 'odd' attempts at purchasing to allow the purchasers to receive the weapons. In the end, those same weapons were found at the scenes of mass murder in Mexico, and ended up being found at the scene where Customs agents were murdered. The Justice Department gets a pass, no one ends up getting punished in the least for this atrocity, except the families of those killed.

4. Benghazi: In this atrocity, it isn't even enough that the Administration places the blame on a video, when they know full well that our Americans were killed in a planned attack. A long term attack that we could have countered while it was happening. With assets we had within striking distance. Assets that were pleading for a go signal. No, that isn't enough. The Administration goes even further to hunt down and ARREST the guy who produced the video, in a direct violation of his right to free speech. Although they claim that he was arrested for other outstanding warrants. But they weren't hunting him for those warrants. They were hunting him because he exercised his free speech and they blamed that on the murders in Benghazi. So now it is more important to not offend muslims than our free speech. Our First Amendment Right.

5. Green Energy: The Administration has spent massive amounts, dumping money down the green energy black hole, only to have the investments fold and the money .... smoke...

OK, enough, let's look "Forward."

Right now, all indications are that sequestration is a given. It is going to happen. And let's go ahead and forget that the Administration asked all defense contractors to delay sending out termination notices in advance of the anticipated termination of jobs, in direct violation of federal law. The Administration even went so far as to volunteer to pay the defense contractors' attorneys' fees, knowing full well that those defense contractors are going to get sued because they violated the law in withholding the termination notices. How is this not an impeachable offense (along with Benghazi)? Nevertheless, the defense contractors held off, so the anticipated loss of jobs would not influence the election. Expect to see word of those notices going out any day now, though. Because nothing has changed since the deadline, except the election has taken place, Hussein has won, and now he doesn't care. I also wouldn't be surprised if he reneged on the promise to pay attorney fees. But who knows.

In any case, expect sequestration to hit hard. I've read numbers as high as the upper 600,000's losing their jobs. This is going to be a cascade effect across the entire defense industry, and will cripple our defense infrastructure for years to come. YEARS. I will be surprise and quite impressed if our newly re-elected president gets his rear end off the golf course to try to take the reigns of government and work with Congress to try to get a budget passed. Otherwise... what... maybe unemployment in excess of 10%.

I also expect that in less than a year, another "random," senseless act of violence will be perpetrated. With the Administration's habit of "never letting a crisis go to waste," there will be a huge push for a second assault weapons ban. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to resort to a decree (executive order), attempting to completely by-pass Congress to enact massive gun control against our Second Amendment Rights.

Hopefully, in that respect, I'm being like the girl I heard call into the local radio station this morning. She stated she was "terrified of living in a country ruled by Mitt Romney." Her reasoning? He would take away her civil rights.  Her civil rights to marry her girlfriend, and to have an abortion. Neglecting her cognitive dissonance for a moment, let's address her knowledge base. Apparently she doesn't understand how the government that was set up by the Constitution actually works. No president is allowed to pass decrees that violate our civil rights (forgetting for a second that marriage and abortion are not Civil Rights as delineated in the Bill of Rights), nor violating laws that have been established by lawful Legislative processes or Judicial ruling. But let's address that cognitive dissonance. Why, exactly, is she concerned about her being able to get an abortion if she is a lesbian???? I would assume that, if she becomes pregnant, it is going to be through a dedicated effort to birth offspring. Again, why would she be so hysterically concerned with abortion?

I just don't get it. Is this the type of person that has allowed Hussein to get re-elected? But I know it involves more people than that. There are smart, SMART people who voted for Barack. There are PhD's that have voted for him. There is no way that 50% of the voters are too ignorant to do more research into today's problems than turning on the mainstream media. Is there?

At this time, there is only a 2.7 million voter spread between the two, with 117.6 million voting. That is a tremendous turnout. At least the political climate today has gotten more people off their rears and out to the polls. I guess that is a plus.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Hampshire Primary

So I'll admit I haven't been watching the return results on the News, but getting the information though Twitter largely. But the results are depressing. I'm hearing in exit polls that "self described conservatives" went with Romney. Why? Because that is the narrative coming out of news outlets? That he is the most electable? Come on, think for yourselves, it's the Primary, for goodness sake! AND self described Tea Partiers? Can you really tell me that Romney stands for the Tea Party position more than, say, Perry?! It can only be the narrative.

Maybe I'm just crazy and bitter after nearly 4 years of Obama Socialism, and desperate for the most opposite.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I started this blog because in an election year, I just knew there were going to be times that I got so sick of the political rhetoric that I would have to vent. And it is much better for my family's health if I vent to the ether instead of at the dinner table.

I am a conservative, Presbyterian, who likes to shoot guns -- any guns, from cap pistols to Squad Automatic Weapons. I like dogs, any dogs. Especially Rottweilers, Dobermans, and Pit Bulls, because I believe treated correctly and trained well, in a loving family, they can be the best dogs in the world.

I believe in free speech, and not just the convenient kind for extremists of any ilk. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms, as it was originally written in the Consititution, not the watered down version we have to live with, although I don't advocate disobeying the laws as they stand. Change them.

I believe in the Republican form of government as the best way found so far to establish government for the people, by the people.

I believe... I have to go to work.